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Hello! Welcome to TeachTranslateTravelRepeat (TTTR). My name is Jamie. I’m a freelance German and Spanish to English translator from the UK. I am also currently taking a break from being a German and English lecturer/teacher while I learn Japanese intensively and travel Japan. I am currently based here until (at least) June 2025. My passions include learning/teaching languages, translating, and travelling. This is what ultimately led me to create TTTR.

More about us

In broad terms, TTTR has three categories of information:

1) language materials (including for English, Scientific/Academic English [focuses on writing but includes information about publishing, presenting and other aspects], Japanese [coming soon], German [coming soon] and Spanish [coming soon]) materials for learning and teaching
2) translation
3) travel content.

There is also the TTTR store, where you can find further materials, merchandise and more [coming soon]!

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    Key: Sightseeing (blue), Nature (green), Food (purple), Art/Festivals/Culture/Religion (orange), Travel itinerary (black), Quora question (red)

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    Scientific Writing

    Guides and tutorials on how to use Scientific English and Scientific Writing effectively.