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Asturias – General Information

I have only visited Asturias once so far but it was amazing. My previous adventures in Spain were either when I had lived in Barcelona or in Granada. I had travelled around the country between these places; I was not necessarily prepared for how different Asturias is from the rest of Spain. How is that?

Asturias lies on Spain’s northern coast and the southern part of the Comunidad contains the Picos de Europa. This means that most of the population lives above these mountains close to the coast. As a result the mountains have isolated them from other parts of Spain and the climate is very different. I would almost describe it as being in line with northern Europe. It can get extremely cold here and snow cuts off some towns completely from the world during the winter months.

Another big difference is the food. In contrast to the rest of Spain, which prefers wine, Asturias is a big cider region. It also produces lots of cheese, especially blue cheeses. In fact it produces the most varieties of cheese in Spain; many of the villages are famous for their local cheese.

I highly recommend visiting Asturias. The food is amazing and there is some amazing nature, such as the Lakes of Covadonga.

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